Home workshop week 14: your presentation for week 15

https://www.canva.com/design/DAGWC9BU2W4/GAKcIfdRDVIEE8lTnbp58g/edit?utm_content=DAGWC9BU2W4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton https://www.canva.com/design/DAGWC9BU2W4/1KBe2v2yVnKyTDRi6VhYXw/view?utm_content=DAGWC9BU2W4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor An example on how AI can impact in a positive way when it comes to disabilities.

My Language 4 Self-assessment 2024

We are at that time, the end of a semester, is going to be stressful but I’ll manage my way through it. The only thing here is to not lose focus, so let’s start, shall we? As for my goals challenges and expectations for language 4 Clearly this semester met my expectations, so long has Read More…

Class workshop week 11: TPACK and SAMR game creation

For thisd activity we were asked to do a minigame related to the TPACK and SAMR model, in the following link you will find a little game for you to enjoy https://www.canva.com/design/DAGTk1EnKEE/R41hfO4oVeV0P58gqCDygQ/view?utm_content=DAGTk1EnKEE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

“Audio upload 23: dialogue voice dubbing”

Jose Quiñones: Walter Nicolás Arcaya: Hank Script: Hank: Here, let me… Let me… Let me show you something. Give it… Give it. Right here at the, uh… And here’s the top. It says, uh, “To W.W. My star, my perfect silence.” Huh. W.W. hehe I mean, who do you figure that is, huh? Woodrow Wilson? Read More…

Home workshop week 8: International Faculty first session

The International workshop led by Jesse Gleason covered a lot of things regarding Artificial Intelligence. First, Benefits  v/s Concerns. As for the benefits, it described the aid towards different language level skills and other aspects that complements the learning experience, like the flexibility or accessibility and critical thinking about the quality of the content generated. Read More…